Saturday, November 04, 2006 - Most recent posts

United Kingdom as the web hosting location over Eastern Europe?

Quite often with Eastern European web hosting services is to charge an extremely low price for the actual space and bandwidth but when you need support it is either none existent or is charged per call.

If you have a UK business website I would recommend you use a UK web host and make sure the support is able to help when things go wrong (as eventually they will). Also, ensure you make contact, via email or telephone, with the new hosting company before you move, or buy hosting from them. This way at least you know you are able to contact them when the need arises.
UK web hosting
And remember if you host in a foreign country then there could be issues with support such as language barriers - it can be a difficult task relaying an error with your website via email or telephone at the best of times, and this can become impossible if the support operative can not communicate in English well enough to either understand your query or to answer it!



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