Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - Most recent posts

Moving web host is stressful!

But what if you need to move hosts?

If you are not happy with your web host, or you have found your website is not listed within your own country's search results on Google as your host has placed your account on a foreign server. Here is how to check where your host has placed your website!

So you need to move...
You will have to go through some pain! Sorry. But remember this: anything worth doing is never easy.

If you have control of your domain name then it should be a simple task of changing the nameservers (so long as your website is setup on your new host). But if your web host manage your domain for you then you need to contact them to check their procedure for transfer of the domain (costs can be charged). If you are looking to transfer to the UK then try a real UK web host which do not charge to transfer in, or out.

Make it worth the effort, ensure you choose the right host....

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